Trina Cuppett as Priestess21 April 12-14th, 2013

After joining Anonymous (eye roll) Trina Cuppett decided to be anonymous instead of using her name.

April 12, 2013

11 mths agoDoS PostEffect

RT @femmeanon: The more I read and learn about #unitedblue members the more my notions about them are affirmed #anonymous #wearelegion …

11 mths ago

@priestess21 Thank you for the follow Priestess & very glad to meet you.

11 mths ago

RT @CaptAnonAmerika: @optrollbill #Lulz! Bill tells ppl he plead guilty because evil TN Pros. If I were innocent of kiddie porn, I wou …

11 mths ago


11 mths ago

RT @optrollbill: One thing Bill is very adept at doing is lying, then amending the lie — from “that’s not me” to “I was framed” to “It …

11 mths ago

@NattieStarr @priestess21 Ok

11 mths ago

RT @Shoq: Gosh, I can’t imagine why Google would be interested in buying behav.io cc @anonyops

11 mths ago

@priestess21 <3 no worries, you were recommended 😉

11 mths ago

@AnonymousF0x Thanks for the follow & I will follow back as soon as I can.

11 mths ago

@priestess21 You’re LATE. We started without you 🙂

11 mths ago

@priestess21 Sorry for delay. Offline for a bit

11 mths ago

@priestess21 hey check dms


11 mths ago

RT @femmeanon: Can anyone tell me about #uniteblue like what their purpose is and why they exist

11 mths ago

RT @optrollbill: STOP BILL TALLEY!!! #anonymous #childabuse #sickfuck

11 mths ago

#AnonFamily I will follow back all as soon as I can because Twitter is being a beoytch.

11 mths ago

RT @optrollbill: If anyone else trolls me shouting about their UB club and saying I’m hurting them because of a pedo, then UB is next. # …

11 mths ago

@priestess21 sureeee.

11 mths ago

@_OhHeyIts_K Thanks can u tell 47 to hit me up?

11 mths ago

I need a Followback for DM brothers @_Anonymous47_ @realkyanonymous

11 mths ago

RT @_Anonymous47_: Everyone keep spreading word that @RealKYAnonymous is back!! RT and steal this!!

April 13th, 2013

11 mths agoDoS PostEffect

@priestess21 TYVM

11 mths ago

@priestess21 You might be able to DM me. I opened up a dialog box.

11 mths ago

@priestess21 Weird. Glad you got it. Let me know if I need to add.

11 mths ago

@priestess21 Did you get the DOX list I DM’d you from the other acct?

11 mths ago

@priestess21 @liberationlo @optrollbill2 Hurray!

11 mths ago

@LiberationLo @priestess21 @optrollbill2 We think 7serf7 might be another Bill acct.

11 mths ago

@LiberationLo @priestess21 @optrollbill2 Last time I did too many blocks at once I got suspended.

11 mths ago

@LiberationLo @priestess21 @optrollbill2 I’ve spam-blocked all of Bill’s accts for now so he cannot see me. Just not all others yet.

11 mths ago

@priestess21 @liberationlo @optrollbill2 Let me know too if I need to create more. I can do that.

11 mths ago

@LiberationLo @priestess21 @optrollbill2 I think it’s Bill. I’ve bn checking mob’s tweets bcause they like 2 brag bout their shit, but nada.

11 mths ago

@priestess21 I was just able to DM you

11 mths ago

@CaptAnon3 @priestess21 @optrollbill2 what the fuck? We need to organize and figure out how to stop this

11 mths ago

RT @CaptAnon3: @LiberationLo @priestess21 @optrollbill2 This one makes me laugh.

11 mths ago

@priestess21 @liberationlo @optrollbill2 Yep. He’s getting suspended. You can still see front page but hit view more tweets & error

11 mths ago

@priestess21 @liberationlo @optrollbill2 He may be getting suspended. It’s how I noticed it on me.

11 mths ago

@LiberationLo @priestess21 @optrollbill2 This one makes me laugh.

11 mths ago

@priestess21 I saw yours Priestess. Left you a reply. :)@optrollbill2

11 mths ago

RT @optrollbill2: @CaptAnon2 @LiberationLo @priestess21 probably one of those by-mail things.

11 mths ago

@LiberationLo @priestess21 This 1 doesn’t like Anons. :'(

11 mths ago

@CaptAnon2 @LiberationLo @priestess21 probably one of those by-mail things.

April 14th, 2013

11 mths agoDoS PostEffect

RT @CaptAnon3: @LiberationLo @priestess21 @optrollbill3 Some1 must be scared… (Help me #Anonymous. The #An …

11 mths ago

RT @CaptAnon3: @LiberationLo @priestess21 @optrollbill3 Some1 must be scared… (Help me #Anonymous. The #An …

11 mths ago

@LiberationLo @priestess21 @optrollbill3 Some1 must be scared… (Help me #Anonymous. The #Anonymous r after me)