JoJo’s Day In Court Today, July 1st

Yes! Another exciting day in Florida as we all await the arrival of JoJo Camp. Jotato is to appear before a judge to show cause why he shouldn’t be held in contempt for violating a permanent restraining order over 500 times. Actually it was over 500 times a month ago, it’s much more than that now. 

JoJo likes to think of himself as a crusader against injustice, which in real life terms means he fights against anyone who tries to get him to behave.

While just months ago JoJo claimed he was penniless and forced to live in the streets because of mean people harassing him, nowadays he claims to have a well paying security type like job that has him traveling all over the country.

You can get more information about JoJo at Bullyville’s website for JoJo Camp