Milo Sneaks Back To Twitter

Milo Yiannopoulos aka Nero the Troll

This was most likely another Milo account. It didn’t last long.

  1. . is a safe space for Muslim terrorists and Black Lives Matter extremists, but a no-go zone for conservatives.
  2. . setup a private email server shortly after this interview.
  3. You heard the man. Whip em’ out and then send them to .

  4. Seriously, what is w/o Nero? Absolutely nothing You reap what you sow. We won’t back down.
  5. Your hashtag has an emoji attached to it. Shut the fuck up.

  6. . has Saudi investor cock in his mouth. This should come as no surprise.

  7. I agree.

  1. I’m glad to see is trending. So much love. ❤️
  2. He doesn’t like fags, remember?

  3. Tweet a couple more times to bring back the madman
  4. To be a comedian, one must be funny.

  5. This account is run exclusively by our customer support staff. Any claims to suggest that this is Milo’s alt account are completely false.
  6. You know, you’re only making him stronger, hehehehehehehehehehehehe
  7. This Tweet is unavailable.