Who Owns AntonellaMollica.com?

The domain name AntonellaMollica.com is currently a private registration but it was originally registered by Brandon King. 

Antonella “Toni” Mollica is the name Vinnie Spina has been using for the past couple of years as an alias so she can work at her husband’s law firm without anyone finding out she’s deliberately violating the rules of her disbarment set by the New Jersey Supreme Court. 

But there’s only one real Antonella Mollica in the state of New Jersey and she doesn’t work for the Spina Law Firm and she doesn’t work with Brandon King in a “cyber security consulting” business. The real Antonella Mollica is one of Vinnie’s victims. She’s had her identity used by Vinnie spina to harass and intimidate others while Vinnie herself runs for office in New Jersey and chairs the fund raising committee for the GOP.

The website in her name is was created May 25th, 2015 and was renewed again last year. it’s a violation of Texas laws on online impersonation. How clever of Vinnie to find a tool dumb enough to violate the laws of his state and register the site for her .

Brandon doesn’t live in San Marcos. The site was originally registered via his hotmail address.

The registration was renewed last year with Brandon’s 13webz gmail account which is the current contact email for his 5webz.com business.