Bullyville Wins Appeal!


Today, at long last, the Texas Appellate court reversed the decision in the Rauhauser v McGibney (Bullyville).

You can see the short version below but what this means is that although Rauhauser won the lawsuit, the monetary and non-monetary sanctions against McGibney have been overturned.

And what that means is the “precedent setting” monetary award of ONE MEELYUN DOLLAHS first awarded to Rauhauser, that ONE MEELYUN DOLLAHS he bragged about and used to promote himself which ended up getting whittled down to 150,000, was reduced once again by the appellate court to:


The non-monetary awards of McGibney’s websites was reversed too. The court upheld that Rauhauser should receive some court costs. Those will be determined later but they’ll be a fraction of the amount originally awarded. But the court also ordered Rauhauser to pay the costs of the appeal.

And what that means is that even though Rauhauser won the case he’ll probably end up owing McGibney money.


Here’s the appellate decision.