Van Dyke Lawsuit Delayed By Fame Whoring

Advertisements I’m liking the Judge in the Van Dyke lawsuit. He’s fair, but not going to put up with the bullshit likely to come from either side of the courtroom in this lawsuit. Next week there was to be an injunction hearing so Van Dyke could argue on having Retzlaff ordered to stop harassing him before and during the lawsuit. However…Retzlaff filed an emergency motion asking US District Judge Amos Mazzant to hold off so he can appeal a decision the judge made on the Texas Citizen Participation Act (TCPA).  The TCPA is a law protecting Texans from frivolous lawsuits … Continue reading Van Dyke Lawsuit Delayed By Fame Whoring

Van Dyke Scores Big In Texas Trial

Advertisements The lawsuit between Proud Boy, Jason Van Dyke, and internet troll, Thomas Retzlaff, had a big day today with Jason coming out on top when the court denied motions filed by Retzlaff to get the case dismissed. Retzlaff had three motions before the judge. Denied. Denied. Denied. “After reviewing the relevant pleadings and motions, the Court finds that all the motions should be denied.” —Judge Amos Mazaant Back in March, Van Dyke filed a 100 million dollar lawsuit against Retzlaff for defamation, harassment, and interfering with his livelihood. The suit was filed in district court, but Retzlaff had the … Continue reading Van Dyke Scores Big In Texas Trial

UPDATED: Another Retzlaff Rauhauser Loss In Texas

Advertisements UPDATE: My bad, I forgot to upload the court ruling.  This is the case where a subpoena was filed which found emails between GoDaddy and Tom Retzlaff and his lawyer Jeffrey Dorrell. The emails showed Dorrell allowing Retzlaff to fraudulently misrepresent himself as a lawyer to GoDaddy in order to seize domains that were registered to James McGibney(Bullyville). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another big loss for Team Phelon in Texas. Thomas Retzlaff, the notorious revenge pornographer who posted nude pictures of his daughter lost a major appeal. Retzlaff was adjudicated a vexatious litigant in Texas years ago and tried to scam the … Continue reading UPDATED: Another Retzlaff Rauhauser Loss In Texas

Getting Away With Murder In Texas

Advertisements Where is Chuck Norris when you need him? It’s amazing that Tom Retzlaff could pose as a lawyer in Texas for years without anyone catching on. Tommy has a glib tongue but how could he have worked as a lawyer for almost 6 years without anyone getting wise or checking his credentials?  Walker, Texas Ranger would have seen through Tommy right away. Tommy has a gift for lying and deception, qualities necessary for being a successful con man but he he lacks the self control needed to stay out of trouble.  Tommy keeps popping up at the Texas court room … Continue reading Getting Away With Murder In Texas