Rauhauser Lawsuit In Trouble, So Is His Attorney


Yesterday a Texas Grand Jury questioned Neal Rauhauser’s attorney, Jeffrey Dorrell, about the nature of his relationship with felon, Thomas Retzlaff. It looks like Dorrell could be in big trouble. Big, big trouble.

You can get a hint of what’s brewing in this article in the South East Texas Record. We’ve been reporting on Dorrell and Retzlaff for years because of the lawsuit between Rauhauser and Bullyville. If you recall, Retzlaff posed as an attorney and went to GoDaddy in person and conned them into giving him web domains that belonged to Bullyville aka James McGibney. There were emails between Retzlaff and GoDaddy that implied Retzlaff was an agent for Dorrell and it sure looked like there was correspondence between Retzlaff and Dorrell regarding the web domains.

There’ve been some lawsuits where Retzlaff took it upon himself to submit his opinions to the court on behalf of Dorrell and Retzlaff has also sent emails to attorneys on cases opposing Dorrell threatening physical harm to the attorney or his family. Bullyville said a long time ago that one of his attorney’s quit after being threatened by Retzlaff.

Dorrell has claimed in court that he doesn’t know Retzlaff. Retzlaff and his wife called into a blog talk radio show and stated Jeffrey Dorrell is a close personal friend. There’s video of Retzlaff and Dorrell attending court hearings together. They certainly aren’t strangers.

The Grand Jury investigation will find out just how close the relationship is and if there’s anything hinky about it. Should it find the relationship improper, then that would taint any, and every, case of Dorrell’s where Retzlaff inserted himself. Those cases would have to be reviewed.

That includes the lawsuit between Rauhauser and Bullyville.

In addition, should the Grand Jury find an improper relationship exists, it would refer that to the Texas State Bar and Jeffrey Dorrell could be disbarred.

From what I’ve observed over the past few years, I’m pretty sure the law firm of Hanszen Laporte will soon have a job opening for a lawyer.