Human Trafficking In Lubbock, Texas?

The phone number of Harmony Massage in Lubbock,Texas is The phone number being used by Asian Healthy Dream Spain Grosse Point Woods, Michigan is linked to an email address used to advertise massage services on, a website for escorts and adult services. 


The ads were for different massage parlors in different states with different phone numbers, the only common denominator besides the Alex605917 email address, is that the ads featured Asian women. It appears there is a network of massage parlors engaging in prostitution and possibly human trafficking.
This post is referenced in the main Iron Troll article on human trafficking found here
Abbreviations used in some ads:
AMP = Asian Massage Parlor 
B2B = Masseuse uses her nude body to give the massage.
Nuru = Masseuse uses her nude body to give the massage.
BBBJ = Bareback Blow Job, oral servicing with no condom.
DFK = Deep French Kissing, open mouth with tongue.
GFE = Girl Friend Experience, basically regular old Vanilla sex.

Harmony Massage website
Facebook page

