PsychicAnon Is Gone For Good

Although the nasty @psychicanon account shut itself down, it was later officially suspended by Twitter. Just in case, the ID number of that account is posted here:  @psychicanon => 2920051563 You can change the name on your Twitter account but the account ID number never changes.

Several people reported the account but it was most likely Ashley Judd who had the account suspended. Below are some more conversation threads from the psychicanon account before it shut down.

  • <div class="simple-tweet tweet js-stream-tweet js-actionable-tweet js-profile-popup-actionable ancestor hidden-ancestor last-hidden-ancestor " data-component-context="conversation" data-disclosure-type="" data-expanded-footer="

    ” data-has-parent-tweet=”true” data-item-id=”577846693451968512″ data-mentions=”finndango PsychicAnon HandToForehead AshleyJudd” data-name=”Sascha” data-screen-name=”Sassccha” data-tweet-id=”577846693451968512″ data-user-id=”2163065929″ data-you-block=”false” data-you-follow=”false” style=”border-bottom-color: rgb(225, 232, 237); border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px; cursor: pointer; min-height: 54px; padding: 9px 40px 9px 98px; position: relative;”>

    I have no idea of the details. If still alive she needs to, to protect future victims.
  • <div class="simple-tweet tweet js-stream-tweet js-actionable-tweet js-profile-popup-actionable ancestor " data-component-context="conversation" data-disclosure-type="" data-expanded-footer="

    ” data-has-parent-tweet=”true” data-item-id=”577855911802347521″ data-mentions=”Sassccha finndango AshleyJudd PsychicAnon” data-name=”Hand To Forehead” data-screen-name=”HandToForehead” data-tweet-id=”577855911802347521″ data-user-id=”1289568967″ data-you-block=”false” data-you-follow=”false” style=”border-bottom-color: rgb(225, 232, 237); border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px; cursor: pointer; min-height: 54px; padding: 9px 40px 9px 98px; position: relative;”>

    “Sexual abuse happens”???? is sick.