RJ Picks The Wrong Side; Popcorn and Potatoes 2

RJ Sterling and I share concern about the changing climate but we have totally different ideas about the concepts of right and wrong. 

Thomas Retzlaff has forged documents in the past. His daughter obtained a restraining order against her father on Monday, May 12th. The man posted nude pictures of her online. Anyone who minimizes or justifies his actions is someone disgusting.

But then RJ has been accused of cyberstalking by several women, he thinks they’re just being mean.

RJ Sterling account @AdversArialOne has the Twitter ID 63225109. This number used to have the name @AdversAerial. That account was suspended for abuse, once the account was reinstated RJ changed the name to AdversArialOne.

The Adversary™@AdversAerialOne

Gawdamn. Anyone who really thinks “documents” were used to suspend McGibney, or that they were “forged”… I have no words for the stupid.